Raluca Spiac

November 15, 2021

Beyond Dracula – The Chatelaine List

As a bespoke travel agency, we design trips tailored to the wishes and requirements of our guests and base our recommendations on rigorous site assessments.We are now sharing what we find with you on the BD Chatelaine List.
June 24, 2021

Romanian Summertime Magic

European tradition has similar ways to mark the beginning of summer and they are all usually centered around the solstice. From the fires of San Juan in Spain to Midsommar in Scandinavia (alternatively named Sankt Hans, a short version of Sankt Johannes, basically Saint John), it is that one day a year when people get together, sing songs around a […]
May 27, 2021

Treasures Of The Danube Delta

“There is no season like the month of May” – for the people of the Danube Delta it’s common knowledge shared with any traveler asking what is the best time to visit. May is THE month when the brightest, juiciest shades of green take over, and nature exudes its most vivid energies. It’s when the Danube Delta is at its […]
May 18, 2021

Romania Is An Awesome Destination For Toddler Holidays

When planning a family trip with toddlers, consider Transylvania as your destination. There are lots of reasons why you'll be happy you did.
April 30, 2021

Romania In Full Bloom

Every spring, a unique scenery unfolds all across Romania: from mid-April to early-June, nature is “curating” our travel itineraries with a series of splendid, unmissable botanical “events”. Travelling to Romania this time of year, brace yourselves for a blossoming bonanza! And no, we’re not talking the average village garden or urban square of flowers, no, you can literally witness mountains […]
March 8, 2021

Those Magnificent Romanian Women And Their Flying Dreams

This is a story about 3 brave Romanian women. Intrigued to know how they left their mark in history?
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