Romanian history

March 10, 2020

Time Travel Through Bucharest Old Town

A place of lost souls and fornication, inhabited by thieves, easy women, beggars, and impoverished boyars. This was the very historical center of Bucharest at the turn of the 20th century described in one of the best novels inspired by the Romanian capital nightlife ever written – Mateiu Caragiale’s Princes of the Old Court (Craii de Curtea Veche in Romanian). […]
August 31, 2018

Dacian Giants

Story by Warren Singh-Bartlett Alien spaceships crashing at Roswell. The Holy Grail buried under a Scottish chapel. Lost cities of gold in the Amazon rainforest. A valley inhabited by immortals in the Himalayas. Everyone loves a tale, the taller the better. Romania, no slouch in supernatural stakes itself, has one of the tallest: it was once home to a race […]
September 29, 2016

A connection long forgotten: the Romanian individual and his horse

In the rush of today’s world, many connections get lost with time due to drastic changes that follow, or are purely forgotten because the battle of tomorrow’s worries knocks at our doors. One of those connections which has not only been forgotten, but purposely severed as well, is the one between the Romanian individual and his horse. From immemorial times, […]
July 13, 2016

The Wolf Warriors

The first to mention the “Getae” or the “Dacians” was Herodotus, the “father of history”, in the fifth century BC. They belonged to the Thracian sphere of influence, but they clearly distinguished themselves by particularities of religion and custom. The Dacians were known as Geta (plural Getae) in Ancient Greek writings, and as Dacus (plural Daci) or Getae in Roman documents. The historian Strabo specified that the Daci are the Getae who lived […]
June 22, 2016

Romania: beyond the story of a secret language

Ever since the beginning of times people have had the need to communicate and get close to one another. It lies in our nature to be social creatures and find ways to express our feelings and emotions. That is why from very ancient times people have created different ways of communication. That is how signs and symbols were born, some […]
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